SQLState - Mailing list pgsql-patches

From Mahesh Swamy
Subject SQLState
Msg-id 02e201c437c5$ee29fa70$b44bac89@maheshs
Whole thread Raw
Responses Re: SQLState
Re: SQLState
List pgsql-patches

FAST have developed an extension to the PostgreSQL - replacing the storage
manager with a more enterprise enabled version. This extension throws some
errors that need SQLState codes.

Thus, we would like to ask a couple of question regarding SQLState codes.

1/ Is there a convention for creating sub-class codes. I.e., not major
classes, but children. do we have to take the next available number, or do
we increment in 100s?
2/ If there is no convention is it ok to use the letter 'x' for all our
State codes? eg. if we want to add a state under the "53" class, we would
use "53x001", "53x002" and so on.
2/ If we have some States that might become common to the code in future
releases, can we give them in as patches? Eg. we have an error "Archive log
is full" with SQLState 53x00. It might be possible that OSS code might want
to throw the same, if not similar, message. Can we give common errors such
as that in for patching? Would the community accept these patches?

We would appreciate having your inputon this matter.

Mahesh Swamy
Software Engineer
Fujitsu Australia Software Technology
Address: 14 Rodborough Road, Frenchs Forest NSW 2086
Tel: +61 2 9452 9000
Fax: +61 2 9975 2899
Email: maheshs@fast.fujitsu.com.au
Web site: www.fastware.com

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pgsql-patches by date:

From: Bruce Momjian
Subject: Refactoring of running other programs
From: Neil Conway
Subject: Re: SQLState