> I know there will be folks putting up demo OpenACS 4 sites on PG 7.2
> something, as soon as we can resolve the problems that prevent it from
> working. Just because I personally feel cautious about using the new
> VACUUM on production sites doesn't mean I won't be using it on
> non-critical sites ASAP.
I've been trying to follow the VACUUM concern thread but have missed a few
so I thought I might ask someone to summarize the concern and the real risk
of table corruption and any other problems that have been reported... I was
planning on upgrading several production databases to 7.2 the day it was
released (I've been developing with the betas with little problem) but won't
do so if there are some real concerns about corruption and such...
So if anyone doesn't mind to take a minute, could I get opinions? Is it too
paranoid to not use the 7.2 release in production?