Hello all,
I use postgresql as backend and MsAccess97 as frontend via ODBC.
I know, how to use VBA and pass through queries to update or insert rows in postgresql-tables.
But I don't know, how to do this the other way round, from postgresql to MsAccess.
I want to develop a trigger, which updates or inserts rows in some local tables in MsAccess on the client side.
How can I realize a *pass through query* in postgresql ( with plpgsql ?) to be executed in MsAccess?
Is there a possibility, to send updates or inserts from postgresql-tables to local MsAccess-tables (without linked tables)
I have the following situation:
1 postgresql database and some clients on different locations, connected via internet
I want to hold some information realy local (no linked table) to the clients and to the host, because the connection is not very fast
when client_1 changes a special table in the postgresql DB, this should be transmitted to a local MsAccess-table to client_2
Can I solve this problem with plpgsql????????????
Please, can anyone help me to solve this problem.
Thanks in advance