Hi All,
MyTable Structrue is
CREATE TABLE tbljobincharge (jassignedid int4 DEFAULT nextval('"tbljobincharge_jassignedid_seq"'::text) NOT NULL,
projectid int4 NOT NULL,
accountid int4 NOT NULL,
completeddate timestamp,
jobcompleted bool DEFAULT 'f' NOT NULL,
jobcomments text,
satisid int4,
priorityid int4 DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,
active bool DEFAULT 't' NOT NULL,
remarks text,
noofunits int4 DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,
jobassigneddate timestamp,
assignedby int4 )
But Query SELECT
jassignedid, JobComments FROM tblJobIncharge WHERE JobComments IS NOT NULL AND projectid >= 50 AND projectid <= 100 Which is not supposed to list NULLS is listing NULLS also. Is there any alternative to write a query to list 'not null' result. I am attaching result set of query for you reference.
Thanks And RegardsSreedhar
Our greatest happiness in life does not depend on the condition of life in which chance has placed us, but is always the result of good conscience, good health, occupation, and freedom in all just pursuits