I have a peculiar problem with PgAdmin. I converted an Access database using pgMigration in pgadmin. I then created a view from within pgadmin.
But though this view is available as an object in the pgsql database, I am unable to use it in an application. It also appears to be unavailable from psql.
I have a link to a screenshot that shows what is happening. qMembers is the view, I can see it by using \d in psql but I cannot drop the view.
Can anyone help me with this issue. This problem is preventing me from being able to use pgadmin to create views.
Manish Agrawal
Asstt. Prof., Dept. of ISDS, Univ. of South Florida
4202 E. Fowler Ave., CIS 1040, Tampa, Fl 33620 - 7800
(813)-974-6716 (W) 974-6749 (FAX)
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