Few days ago I started to receive this messages when I use Latin-2 charactes
(just some of these):
WARNING: UtfToLocal: could not convert UTF-8 (0xc3aa). Ignored
WARNING: UtfToLocal: could not convert UTF-8 (0xc2af). Ignored
WARNING: UtfToLocal: could not convert UTF-8 (0xc2b3). Ignored
WARNING: UtfToLocal: could not convert UTF-8 (0xc3a6). Ignored
WARNING: UtfToLocal: could not convert UTF-8 (0xc2b3). Ignored
WARNING: UtfToLocal: could not convert UTF-8 (0xc2b3). Ignored
WARNING: UtfToLocal: could not convert UTF-8 (0xc2b3). Ignored
Data base is created with encoding LATIN2:
sas6=# \l
List of databases
Name | Owner | Encoding
sas3 | Cromax | LATIN2
sas6 | Cromax | LATIN2
template0 | Cromax | SQL_ASCII
template1 | Cromax | SQL_ASCII
The effect is, that I loose all of the LATIN2 special characters. Now, I
have na idea causes this, since early (before one week, let's say) it was
working perfectly, and I haven't changed the driver nor the psql (both are
7.3, psql is 7.3.1 precisely).
What may cause this and how to fix it? Thanx in advance!