Hi All,
I run into an error message.
I have the following function where t_stockchanges is one of my tables.
create or replace function get_last_open(int, int) returns setof
t_stockchanges AS '
ProductID alias for $1;
StockID alias for $2;
q text;
Rec t_stockchanges%ROWTYPE;
q := ''select * from t_stockchanges where '' ||
''stockid='' || quote_literal(StockID) || '' and '' ||
''productid='' || quote_literal(ProductID) || '' and '' ||
''changeid=1 order by time desc limit 1;'';
for Rec in execute q loop
return next Rec;
end loop;
language 'plpgsql';
Running the following query I get the error message:
#> select * from get_last_open(140,1);
WARNING: plpgsql: ERROR during compile of get_last_open near line 5
ERROR: cache lookup for type 0 of
t_stockchanges.........pg.dropped.14........ failed
Could anybody tell me how can I work it around. A tried to restart the
server to make empty the cache, but it seems to be worthless.
Thank you in advance.
-- Csaba Együd