> Some of the ways to slice the info that might help for evaluators would
> Size of database
> Estimated transactions per day
> Number of users
> Size of company (employees or customers)
> Database converted from, if conversion
> Interface used (DBI, PHP, JDBC etc...)
> Other tools used (How PostgreSQL is integrated with other tools to create
> applications.)
That would work for rational programers. For the perl crowd, you'd have to
appeal to coolness. But more so, for the business world, you need to have a
list of big names up top. I've found that 9 times out of 10, decision makers
feel best doing the same thing everyone else is doing. If Postgre is in any
fortune 500 companies, that's the info we need to make visiable. Build a
case that it does the job while saving time and money. Show ROI with real
support costs included. Unless you're dealing with other oracle centric
pieces of technology, I think it's clear posgre fufills this propisition,
but we need to have case studies to prove it.