> "Rick Gigger" <rick@alpinenetworking.com> writes:
> > Does anyone have a link to such a comparison? Also can anyone elaborate
> > the features that postgres has that firebird lacks?
> AFAICT, the main thing that Firebird lacks is a viable open-source
> development community :-(. It's a nice bit of software, and I'd be
> happy to see it doing better, but it seems like they just have not been
> able to gather critical mass around it. So in any comparison you need
> to factor in the likelihood that Postgres will be improving at a much
> greater rate than Firebird.
Last night after posting this I asked myself. Could I get the same kind of
support (basically an answer to any question within 24 hours from one of the
actual postgres developers) with firebird that I can get here? I doubt it.