What I didn't perceived before is DTS and pgAdmin create tables using quoted names like:
while I create tables using non-quoted names like CREATE TABLE ABC.
It happens that altough invisible to \dt am I unable to use these tables either in psql or DTS.
In sum, DTS creates the table but doesn't transfer data.
Is quoted names a matter of postgre config?
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, March 17, 2004 2:52 PM
Subject: [GENERAL] Relation "xxxxx" does not exist
When I create tables thru DTS (mssqlserver) or pgAdmin, I get the following message when I try select/insert row from/into this tables:
Relation "table-name" does not exist
Command \dt lists all the tables, but \dt PATTERN doesn't.
Could it be charset/sort order or something like that?
All client softwares but pgsql are running on windows2k