Hi all,
I'm a blind computer expert and i'm using a screen reader called JAWS for
Windows (http://www.freedomscientific.com).
Almost all of the PGAdmin functions can be used with JAWS, but the window
that contains the SQL statements isn't accessible: JAWS doesn't recognize
the cursor (or insertion point) when I move it from character to character,
or from line to line.
By default, JAWS can handle the standard Windows controls (edit fields, list
boxes, etc.), but with a feature, I can reclass a non-standard control, so
JAWS can handle the non-standard control as a standard control.
For example, I've tried to reclass the window that contains the SQL
statement to edit field, but I still have the same problem.
A solution would be a standard edit field if possible.
If you have an idea to solve this problem, please let me know!