: "Vilson farias" <vilson.farias@digitro.com.br> writes:
: > I've been testing hardly and now I found something interesting : these
: > errors only happen when model/data are imported with pg_dump help, that
: > all indexed fields are sequencially scanned when I do a select from some
: > pk-indexed table, but if model/data where created/imported without
: > then everything works fine. Does anyone know why this is happening?
: Have you done a VACUUM ANALYZE after loading the pg_dump output?
: It looks to me like the planner may not have statistics about the table...
: regards, tom lane
I did a vacuum analyse, but my selects were still doing seq scans over
tables. After that, I'd executed VACUUM again, then I discovered that VACUUM
was not reaching the end of analysis, it losts connection with database,
after a lot of error reports. I can't figure out what's happening, could you
give me some light?
Check this out :
[postgres@dgtao backup]$ /usr/bin/vacuumdb --analyze --verbose -d relatorio
NOTICE: --Relation pg_type--
NOTICE: Pages 4: Changed 0, reaped 1, Empty 0, New 0; Tup 274: Vac 0,
Keep/VTL 0/0, Crash 0, UnUsed 10, MinLen 105, MaxLen 114; Re-using:
Free/Avail. Space 1180/0; EndEmpty/Avail. Pages 0/0. CPU 0.00s/0.03u sec.
NOTICE: Index pg_type_typname_index: Pages 10; Tuples 274: Deleted 0. CPU
0.02s/0.01u sec.
NOTICE: Index pg_type_oid_index: Pages 5; Tuples 274: Deleted 0. CPU
0.00s/0.01u sec.
... lots of...
NOTICE: --Relation cham_chamada--
NOTICE: Rel cham_chamada: TID 4/1: OID IS INVALID. TUPGONE 1.
NOTICE: Rel cham_chamada: TID 4/2: OID IS INVALID. TUPGONE 1.
....3 to 56...
NOTICE: Rel cham_chamada: TID 4/57: OID IS INVALID. TUPGONE 1.
NOTICE: Rel cham_chamada: TID 4/58: OID IS INVALID. TUPGONE 1.
pqReadData() -- backend closed the channel unexpectedly.
This probably means the backend terminated abnormally
before or while processing the request.
connection to server was lost
vacuumdb: vacuum failed
in psql :
relatorio=# \d cham_chamada
Table "cham_chamada"
Attribute | Type | Modifier
chave | integer | not null
identificacao | integer | not null
dt_inicial | timestamp | not null
indicadora | integer |
cod_categoria | integer |
identidadea | varchar(20) |
dt_final | timestamp |
juntor | integer |
indicadorb | integer |
identidadeb | varchar(20) |
flg_chamada | char(1) |
flg_liberacao | char(1) |
Index: xpkcham_chamada
My best regards,
José Vilson de Mello de Farias
Dígitro Tecnologia - Brazil