Afternoon guys, I would be very gratefull if anyone could help me on this
one. I´ve tried looking for examples on it, i know it´s simple, but i can´t
get one, so here goes. I need to create a trigger(after insert), preferebly
in plpgsql, as I have already created the lang using createlang, that, takes
value from 2 columns of the record it´s inserting, and concatenate together
and insert it into a 3rd column,
for example:
I have a table:
id | branch | name | uniqueId
on insert into employee(id,branch,name) values(1,1543,"iande");
the trigger would get both id and branch valeus and insert on uniqueId
select * from employee;
id | branch | name | uniqueId
1 | 1543 | iande | 15431
thanks in advance;