Cut off BLOB fields? - Mailing list pgsql-odbc

From Klemens Seydel
Subject Cut off BLOB fields?
Msg-id 001e01c14591$66586c90$1464a8c0@POTSDAM.AMSOFT.DE
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Responses Re: Cut off BLOB fields?
List pgsql-odbc
I got the following problem:
My PostgreSQL database (7.1.3) works fine, but reading BLOBs via ODBC
fails halfway. Not it doesn't work (sure it does!) but the whole rest of the
imagedata gets dropped behind 80k. I don't have the problem with smaller
imagedata, but can't size down all images for that2work. 
The object is of type "lo", and rewriting the imagedata to a file (from the
backend via perl-script) results in the correct image. The only thing that
doesn't work perfectly is the cutt-off of my imagedata. I see the picture,
but the whole rest is cut off. Means only half information. :-)
I also tried out all ODBC driver options to ensure maximum compatibility.
No chance; i couldn't fix that crap.
Thanks in advance

pgsql-odbc by date:

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