> To access the back end of PostgreSQL using C++, according to Bruce
> Monjian, the author of "PostgreSQL Introduction and concept", one must
> include 'libpq++.h' in the source file, link the app to '-L
> /usr/local/pgsql/include' as well as interfacing to '-I
> /user/local/pgsql/include'.
> However, the directories for the linking and interfacing do not exist in
> my systems. Thus my question:
> How do I determine where are the files that I have to Interface and Link
> located?
It sounds like you're on a RedHat system, and they will be in other
locations, I just don't recall where RH puts them. Try "locate libpq*.h".
Failing that, you can always do 'find / -name libpq*.h -print', but that
will defenitely take longer.