I have just upgraded to 7.4.2 from 7.2.1 and I am having problems
inserting data into a database table that worked just fine under 7.2.1.
I have a table defined as follows:
create table vm_mailbox
MailboxId varchar(64) not null,
MailboxType integer not null default 0,
Description varchar(64) ,
MailboxSize integer ,
MessageSize integer ,
Tutorial boolean not null default true,
TotalMessageTime integer ,
MessageExpiryTime integer ,
Enabled boolean not null default true,
GreetingType integer not null default 10,
OrphanedTime bigint not null default 0,
LastAccessed bigint ,
ZeroOutNumber varchar(32) ,
primary key (MailboxId)
When I try to do the following insert into the table
insert into vm_mailbox
I get the following error:
ERROR: integer out of range
What is the problem? Is it complaining about the value for LastAccessed?
According to the 7.2 User Guide a bigint can have a value between
-92223372036854775808 and 92223372036854775807.
Chris White