I have used pgadminII to create a series of functions. However it appears that they are all all given array parameters. ( see the definition shown below) If I create the function manually with a return type of "bool" instead of "bool[]" all is ok. However if I use pgadmin then I get a horrible error
ERROR: array_in: Need to specify dimension
I am happily using a number of procedure in SYBASE SQL Anywhere and am trying to port the database to postgresql. but this error now means I will have to edit them all!
Is there a way to change the behaviour of pgadmin or does everyone enter their functions as pure SQL?
Error Message is :
ERROR: array_in: Need to specify dimension
The attempt to activate the procedure is given as :
select test_fn();
and the function definition itself is:
-- Function: public.test_fn()
CREATE FUNCTION public.test_fn() RETURNS bool[] AS 'begin
return true;
end;' LANGUAGE 'plpgsql' VOLATILE;