Thanks, actually Bruce helped me out with this last night.
> Oops. Consider not doing your development work as superuser ;-)
What is the definition of superuser? most of my users have the ability to
createdb. This seems to give them superuser priveleges. Is that correct?
> > I have two possible solutions; 1 of which doesn't work yet
> > insert back into the pg_type table the box row copied from another
> > with oid 603, which postgres doesn't allow me to do.
> AFAIR, this should work if you use COPY WITH OIDS.
> > recreate the type and find all the references to it. Can someone tell me
> > where to look for all the references to it?
> This would not work very well since pg_dump would then think that 'box'
> is a user-defined type and would include it in dumps, which you do not
> want. Instead, consider finding and dropping the procs, operators, etc
> that refer to 'box' (only if you don't use the type, of course).
> pg_proc and pg_operator would be the main places, there might also be
> some in pg_amproc and pg_amop. See contrib/findoidjoins/README for more
> info about where to look.
> regards, tom lane