Hi Friends
Can u please help to write a function for the following scenario?
I have 3 table’s user_roles, principals and roles.
I have to write a function in postgresql which should excepts 2 parameters (name, password)
With those 2 parameters the query should be executed and return the result.(Result of the query will be 1 or more rows).
The query is working fine if executed it manually by hardcoding the values for name and password, but is as to be written in function so that I can send different values.
“select u.role_id,u.user_id,p.name,p.creation_date,p.telephone_number,p.email,p.remarks,p.city,p.state,p.country,p.postal_address,p.company_name,p.department_name,p.contact_person,
r.right_print, r.right_download,r.right_admin_user,r.right_image_creator,r.right_vector_download,r.right_wps,r.right_queries_filter,r.right_google_map,r.right_user_management,
r.right_route_analysis, r.right_legend,r.right_treeview,r.insert,r.update,r.delete,r.query,r.lock from user_roles u,.principals p,roles r where p.PRINCIPAL_ID = u.USER_ID and
r.role_id = u.role_id and p.name=? and p.password=?”
Thanks in Advance.