Hello, the solution just works fine for me using the batch file J
From: Thomas Kellerer [via PostgreSQL] [mailto:[hidden email]] Sent: Wednesday, November 23, 2011 12:01 AM To: PresleyDias Subject: Re: Postgres database creation using batch files
PresleyDias wrote on 21.11.2011 08:54:
> i want to create a postgres database using batch file, now the normal way of > doing this is > > "C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\9.0\bin\createdb.exe" -U Myadmin MydatAbseName > > this create a database with the default database parameters, but i want to > create a database with the following parameter > > WITH OWNER = Myadmin > TEMPLATE = template0 > ENCODING = 'SQL_ASCII' > TABLESPACE = pg_default > LC_COLLATE = 'C' > LC_CTYPE = 'C' > CONNECTION LIMIT = -1; > > Please tell me how to create a database with the above parameter using Batch > files. > > also how to use a .sql file to do the same, like this "C:\Program > Files\PostgreSQL\9.0\bin\createdb.exe" -U Myadmin -f C:\createDB.sql; >
What's wrong with the answer you got on Stackoverflow?