Alternative SQL - Mailing list pgsql-sql

From Ertan Küçükoğlu
Subject Alternative SQL
Msg-id 000201d38cbd$8197c070$84c74150$
Whole thread Raw
List pgsql-sql

I am using PostgreSQL 10.1 64bit on Windows 10 x64 system.

My database have following tables in it:
robox=# \dt
              List of relations
 Schema |        Name         | Type  | Owner
 public | aciliskapanis       | table | robox
 public | ameliyathaneler     | table | robox
 public | ameliyatlar         | table | robox
 public | errorlog            | table | robox
 public | guncellemetablolari | table | robox
 public | hastalar            | table | robox
 public | kaphareketleri      | table | robox
 public | kullanici           | table | robox
 public | malzemeler          | table | robox
 public | params              | table | robox
 public | personel            | table | robox
 public | sayimbaslik         | table | robox
 public | sayimdetay1         | table | robox
 public | sayimdetay11        | table | robox
 public | sayimdetay12        | table | robox
 public | sayimdetay2         | table | robox
 public | sayimdetay3         | table | robox
 public | sayimmakinalari     | table | robox
 public | sayimyazdir         | table | robox
 public | sifirlamalar        | table | robox
 public | updates             | table | robox
(21 rows)

I am using following SQL:
select 'aciliskapanis', max(kayitzamani) from aciliskapanis where serino =
select 'sayimbaslik', max(kayitzamani) from sayimbaslik where serino =
select 'sayimdetay1', max(kayitzamani) from sayimdetay1 where serino =
select 'sayimdetay11', max(kayitzamani) from sayimdetay11 where serino =
select 'sayimdetay12', max(kayitzamani) from sayimdetay12 where serino =
select 'sayimdetay2', max(kayitzamani) from sayimdetay2 where serino =
select 'sayimdetay3', max(kayitzamani) from sayimdetay3 where serino =
select 'errorlog', max(kayitzamani) from errorlog where serino =
select 'kaphareketleri', max(kayitzamani) from kaphareketleri where serino =
select 'sifirlamalar', max(kayitzamani) from sifirlamalar where serino =

Above SQL gives me following result and this is what I wanted.
?column?    max
sayimdetay2    2018-01-13 23:24:29
errorlog    2018-01-14 00:08:56
sayimbaslik    2018-01-14 00:10:36
sifirlamalar    2018-01-13 23:19:07
sayimdetay11    2018-01-13 23:15:58
sayimdetay1    2018-01-14 00:10:42
sayimdetay3    2018-01-13 23:19:20
aciliskapanis    2018-01-14 00:12:44
sayimdetay12    2018-01-14 00:13:11
kaphareketleri    2018-01-14 00:13:33

But, it is not dynamic. Meaning, I am not using information in
guncellemetablolari table. guncellemetablolari table holds table names as
records that needs to be queried in my database. These records may change in
time. What I would like is an SQL (not a database function, if possible)
which gives me same result as above using records in guncellemetablolari
where guncellenir column is false.

robox=# \dS guncellemetablolari;
Table "public.guncellemetablolari"
   Column    |  Type   | Modifiers
 adi         | text    | not null
 guncellenir | boolean |
    "guncellemetablolari_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (adi)

robox=# select * from guncellemetablolari;
      adi       | guncellenir
 ameliyatlar    | t
 hastalar       | t
 malzemeler     | t
 personel       | t
 aciliskapanis  | f
 sayimbaslik    | f
 sayimdetay1    | f
 sayimdetay11   | f
 sayimdetay2    | f
 sayimdetay3    | f
 sayimyazdir    | f
 errorlog       | f
 kaphareketleri | f
 sifirlamalar   | f
 sayimdetay12   | f
(15 rows)

Any help is appreciated.

Thanks & regards,
Ertan Küçükoğlu

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