Re: [INTERFACES] Unbound text box, Text > 255 characters, MSAccess/PostgreSQL - Mailing list pgsql-odbc

From Zlatko Matić
Subject Re: [INTERFACES] Unbound text box, Text > 255 characters, MSAccess/PostgreSQL
Msg-id 000001c5ca84$8bfa2ed0$52bffea9@zlatkovyfkpgz6
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In response to Unbound text box, Text > 255 characters, MSAccess/PostgreSQL  (Zlatko Matić <>)
List pgsql-odbc
Hello, Greg and thanks for suggestions, but it didn't work with append
query. I just couldn't pass more than 255 characters long text as parameter
of DAO query. But, fortunately, I solved the problem by using AddNew method
of DAO recordset to append new row. In this case I could pass directly the
whole value of Me.TextBoxName. It seems that in this way Access can pass the
whole text (as Memo Type) to new row of recordset.
Otherwise if I want to pass the same value of the unbound text box by using
an append query, it can pass just 255 characters long text.
Fortunately, it works with recordset object...



----- Original Message -----
From: "Greg Campbell" <>
To: "Zlatko Matić" <>
Cc: <>; <>;
<>; <>
Sent: Tuesday, October 04, 2005 3:34 PM
Subject: Re: [INTERFACES] [ODBC] Unbound text box, Text > 255 characters,

What version of Access?
Confirm that Access is interpreting the target field as MEMO, (either look
at the linked table in design
mode, or use Tools->Analyze->Documenter).
For the query, determine the "type" of the parameter - Query
menu->Parameters. Be sure you are using type

By the way, 3271 is a Jet error -- Invalid property value.

Good luck.

Zlatko Matić wrote:

> Hello.
> I have the following problem with MS Access/PostgreSQL combination:
> There is a form in Access that has an unbound text box, used for entering
> a commentary of a batch of records.
> There is a DAO Append Query that has a parameter that is passed from the
> text box using parameter of DAO QueryDef object.
> I adjusted B7 parameter (Text as LongVarchar) in connection string (ODBC
> driver) to 1, so that Access links PostgreSQL Text fields as Memo fields
> in Access. The intention was to be able to enter unlimited length
> commentary into the field.
> But, although I can enter unlimited text by using bound text box in some
> other forms, in this particular form I can't use bound control, so I need
> to pass text from  UNBOUND control to the linked table by using DAO or ADO
> code. It seems that DAO query can't accept Memo as parameter, but only
> text. If my text exceeds length of 255, I have an VBA error 3271. If text
> in unbound text box is shorter that 255 everything is OK.
> So, is there any way to pass text of length >255 from unbound text box to
> Memo field of linked PostgreSQL table, by using DAO or ADO ?
> Thanks in advance,
> Zlatko


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