Re: VB functions for postgres - Mailing list pgsql-odbc

From Mike Miller
Subject Re: VB functions for postgres
Msg-id 000001c2d7fd$543c7060$1bf014ac@gwain
Whole thread Raw
In response to VB functions for postgres  (<>)
List pgsql-odbc
-----Original Message-----


> MyConn.Open "DSN=PostgreSQL", "Mondi", "1234"
> Set rs = New ADODB.Recordset
> rs.Open "select * from userinfo;", Myconn, adOpenDynamic
> then I use the Myconn.execute to execute some sql querries
> Heres the prob:
> - I don't know how to navigate thru the recordset

Try something like this.  It will get you started ;)
Write back if you have trouble.

   Set rsInfo = New ADODB.Recordset

   With rsInfo

      .CursorType = adOpenStatic
      .LockType = adLockReadOnly
      .ActiveConnection = adoConnection
      .Open "select Name, Description from userinfo"

    ' Make sure there are records
    If Not .BOF And Not .EOF Then

        ' Move to the first record

        ' While not at the end (there are more records)
          While Not .EOF

            ' Do stuff with row
                 Debug.Print .Fields("Name").Value
            Debug.Print .Fields("Description").Value

            ' DoEvents so that app doesn't hang and move to
the next record


    End If

    ' Close the recordset

   End With

Mike Miller,
Computer Programmer,
Department of Pyschology,
University Of Otago
+64 3 479 5402

...when you lay awake at night hoping that those elves from "The Elves
and the Shoemaker" know where you work and can program in C++ as well as
they can sew together sandles...
-- stolen from (

pgsql-odbc by date:

Subject: VB functions for postgres
From: "Marcus Better"
Subject: Unicode, ODBC and MS Access