Here's a pl/pgSQL function that simply add a two values inside a table.
CREATE function tuple_add(VARCHAR(200)) RETURNS text AS
Response text;
PeopleName ALIAS FOR $1;
INSERT INTO PEOPLES VALUES (nextval(''sequence_id''),PeopleName);
return Response;
' LANGUAGE 'plpgsql';
If the user try to add the same value (for the PeopleName field),
PostGreSQL will throw an exception and print "ERROR: Cannot insert a
duplicate key into unique index biblio_maisonsediti_libelle_key ".
How can I intercept ANY exception inside the function, and to put in the
"Response" variable the text of the EXCEPTION ?
In other words, I want to avoid to have my function to throw any
exception, so I want to intercept an eventual exception and to take the
text ("ERROR: Cannot insert a duplicate key into unique index
biblio_maisonsediti_libelle_key" for example) and to put it in the
"Response" variable so the program that call my function will receive
the error message.
Thanks in advance for your help ! :-)
Bruno BAGUETTE - bruno.baguette@netcourrier.com