6.4.1. Shardman-specific Views # shardman.pg_stat_csn
The shardman.pg_stat_csn
view has one row showing statistics on delays that take place during import of CSN snapshots. These delays occur because system clocks on Shardman cluster nodes may be out of sync. The delays negatively impact the performance by increasing the query latency. The shardman.pg_stat_csn
view allows tracking these delays. The view data is based on The Statistics Collector. The columns of the view are shown in Table 6.2.
Table 6.2. shardman.pg_stat_csn
Name | Type | Description |
csn_snapshots_imported | bigint | Total number of imported CSN snapshots |
csn_total_import_delay | interval | Total duration of all delays in importing CSN snapshots, in microseconds |
csn_max_shift | bigint | Maximum registered snapshot CSN shift that caused a delay |
local_oldest_csn | bigint | CSN of the oldest transaction on the current node |
local_oldest_xid | xid | XID of the oldest transaction on the current node |
indoubt_threshold_incidents | bigint | Total number of transactions that exceeded the 10 seconds limit in the inDoubt state. |
CSNXidMap_head_csn | bigint | Most recent CSN in the CSNSnapshotXidMap |
CSNXidMap_head_xid | xid | XID corresponding to the most recent CSN in the CSNSnapshotXidMap |
CSNXidMap_tail_csn | bigint | Oldest CSN in the CSNSnapshotXidMap |
CSNXidMap_tail_xid | xid | XID corresponding to the oldest CSN in the CSNSnapshotXidMap |
stats_reset | timestamp with time zone | Time at which these statistics were last reset |
CSNXidMap_last_trim | timestamp with time zone | Shows the last time when the shardman.trim_csnxid_map() function was called. |
To reset CSN-related statistics, call the pg_stat_reset_shared
function with the only text argument equal to csn
Shardman functionality related to CSN snapshots is work in progress. So anticipate changes to the corresponding views in future releases. shardman.pg_indoubt_xacts
The view shardman.pg_indoubt_xacts
displays information about transactions that are currently in the InDoubt
state. An entry is removed when the transaction state changes.
Table 6.3. shardman.pg_indoubt_xacts
Name | Type | Description |
xid | xid | Transaction ID of a transaction in the InDoubt state |
duration_msec | bigint | Time the transaction was in the InDoubt state, in milliseconds |
When the shardman.pg_indoubt_xacts
view is accessed, the internal transaction manager data structures are momentarily locked, and a copy is made for the view to display. This ensures that the view produces a consistent set of results, while not blocking normal operations longer than necessary. Nonetheless there could be some impact on database performance if this view is frequently accessed. shardman.pg_stat_xact_time
The shardman.pg_stat_xact_time
view shows statistics for the time spent on a transaction. The columns of the view are shown in Table 6.4.
Table 6.4. shardman.pg_stat_xact_time
Name | Type | Description |
overall_committed_xact_time | bigint | Overall time spent for the committed transactions |
overall_aborted_xact_time | bigint | Overall time spent for the aborted transactions |
overall_commit_time | bigint | Overall time spent for the committing transactions |
local_commit_time | bigint | Overall time spent for writing to WAL for all the committed transactions |
global_commit_time | bigint | Overall time spent for the distributed queries sending messages about transaction statuses for all the committed transactions |
overall_abort_time | bigint | Overall time spent for aborting transactions |
local_abort_time | bigint | Overall time spent for writing to WAL for all the aborted transactions |
global_abort_time | bigint | Overall time spent for the distributed queries sending messages about transaction statuses for all the aborted transactions |
stats_reset | timestamp with time zone | Time at which these statistics were last reset | shardman.oldest_csn
The shardman.oldest_csn
view has one row showing tuple csn
, xid
, and rgid
containing CSN and XID of the oldest transaction in the cluster along with transaction's replication group number. shardman.pg_stat_monitor
The shardman.pg_stat_monitor
view has one row showing metrics of the Shardman monitor. The view data is based on the Statistics Collector. The columns of the view are shown in Table 6.5.
Table 6.5. shardman.pg_stat_monitor
Name | Type | Description |
resolved_deadlocks | bigint | Number of resolved distributed deadlocks |
aborted_xacts | bigint | Number of aborted outdated prepared transactions |
committed_xacts | bigint | Number of committed outdated prepared transactions |
errors | bigint | Number of Shardman monitor errors |
stats_reset | timestamp with time zone | Time at which these statistics were last reset | shardman.pg_stat_netusage
The shardman.pg_stat_netusage
view has one row showing the cumulative network traffic between Shardman cluster nodes. The view data is based on the Statistics Collector. The columns of the view are shown in Table 6.6.
Table 6.6. shardman.pg_stat_netusage
Name | Type | Description |
netusage_recv_bytes | numeric | Total number of bytes received from other nodes through the network by each Shardman cluster node |
netusage_sent_bytes | numeric | Total number of bytes sent to other nodes through the network by each Shardman cluster node |
stats_reset | timestamp with time zone | Time at which these statistics were last reset | shardman.pg_stat_foreign_stat_bytes
The shardman.pg_stat_foreign_stat_bytes
view shows the amount of statistics for foreign relations transferred over the network between Shardman cluster nodes. The view data is based on The Statistics Collector. The columns of the view are shown in Table 6.7.
Table 6.7. shardman.pg_stat_foreign_stat_bytes
Name | Type | Description |
foreign_stat_recv_bytes | bigint | Total number of bytes of the statistics for the foreign relations received from other nodes through the network by this node |
stats_reset | timestamp with time zone | Time at which these statistics were last reset |
6.4.2. Multiplexor Diagnostics Views #
Views in this section provide various information related to Silk multiplexing. See Section 7.4 for details of silkroad
multiplexing process. shardman.silk_routes
The shardman.silk_routes
view displays the current snapshot of the multiplexer routing table. The columns of the view are shown in Table 6.8.
Table 6.8. shardman.silk_routes
Name | Type | Description |
hashvalue | integer | Internal unique route identifier. Can be used to join with other Silk diagnostics views. |
origin_ip | inet | IP address of the source node, which generated this route |
origin_port | int2 | External TCP connection port of the source node, which generated this route |
channel_id | integer | Route sequential number within the node that generated this route. channel_id is unique for the pair origin_ip + origin_port . This pair is a unique node identifier within the Shardman cluster and hence the origin_ip + origin_port + channel_id tuple is a unique route identifier within the Shardman cluster. |
from_cn | integer | Connect index in the shardman.silk_connects view for incoming routes, that is, not generated by this node, and -1 for routes generated by this node. |
backend_id | integer | ID of the local process that is currently using this route: either the ID of the backend that generated this route or the ID of the silkworm worker assigned to this route. Equals -1 for queued incoming routes that have not been assigned a worker yet. |
pending_queue_bytes | bigint | Size of the queue of delayed messages (awaiting a free worker) for this route, in bytes. This value is only meaningful for incoming routes of each node that are not assigned to a worker yet. |
pending_queue_messages | bigint | Number of messages in the queue of delayed messages (awaiting a free worker) for this route. This value is only meaningful for incoming routes of each node that are not assigned to a worker yet. |
connects | integer[] | List of indexes of connects that are currently using this route. | shardman.silk_connects
The shardman.silk_connects
view displays the current list of multiplexer connects. The columns of the view are shown in Table 6.9.
Table 6.9. shardman.silk_connects
Name | Type | Description |
cn_index | integer | Unique connect index |
reg_ip | inet | “Registration” IP address of the node with which the connection is established. See Notes for details. |
reg_port | int2 | “Registration” TCP port of the node with which the connection is established. See Notes for details. |
read_ev_active | boolean | true if the multiplexer is ready to receive data to the incoming queue. See Notes for details. |
write_ev_active | boolean | true if the multiplexer filled the queue of non-sent messages and is waiting for it to get free. See Notes for details. |
is_outgoing | boolean | true if the connection is outgoing, that is, created by connect , and false for incoming connects, that is, created by accept . Only used during the handshaking. |
state | text | Current state of the connect: connected — if the connection is established, in progress — if the client has already connected, but handshaking has not happened yet, free — if the client has already disconnected, but the connect structure for the disconnected client has not been destroyed yet. |
pending_queue_bytes | bigint | Size of the queue of non-sent messages for this connect, in bytes |
pending_queue_messages | bigint | Number of messages in the queue of non-sent messages for this connect |
blocked_by_backend | integer | ID of the backend that blocked this connect |
blocks_backends | integer[] | List of IDs of backends that are blocked by this connect |
routes | integer[] | List of unique IDs of routes that use this connect |
elapsed_time_write | bigint | Time from the last writing event of a connect |
elapsed_time_read | bigint | Time from the last reading event of a connect | shardman.silk_backends
The shardman.silk_backends
view displays the current list of processes of two kinds: backends that serve client connections and silkworm
multiplexer workers, which interact with the multiplexer. The columns of the view are shown in Table 6.10.
Table 6.10. shardman.silk_backends
Name | Type | Description |
backend_id | integer | Unique backend/worker identifier |
pid | integer | OS process ID |
attached | boolean | Value is true if backend is attached to multiplexer, false otherwis |
read_ev_active | boolean | true if the backend/worker is ready to receive data to the incoming queue. See Notes for details. |
write_ev_active | boolean | true if the backend/worker filled the queue of non-sent messages and is waiting for it to get free. See Notes for details. |
is_worker | boolean | true if this process is a silkworm multiplexer worker and false otherwise |
pending_queue_bytes | bigint | Size of the queue of messages being sent to this backend/worker, in bytes |
pending_queue_messages | bigint | Number of messages in the queue of messages being sent to this backend/worker |
blocked_by_connect | integer | Index of the connect that blocks this backend/worker |
blocks_connects | integer[] | List of indexes of connects that are blocked by this backend/worker |
routes | integer[] | List of unique IDs of routes that are used by this backend/worker |
in_queue_used | bigint | Number of queued data bytes in the incoming queue in the shared memory between the backend and multiplexer |
out_queue_used | bigint | Number of queued data bytes in the outgoing queue in the shared memory between the backend and multiplexer |
elapsed_time_write | bigint | Time from the last writing event of a backend |
elapsed_time_read | bigint | Time from the last reading event of backend | shardman.silk_routing
The shardman.silk_routing
view displays the results of the shardman.silk_routing
function. Table 6.11.
Table 6.11. shardman.silk_routing
Name | Type | Description |
hashvalue | integer | Internal unique route identifier |
origin_ip | inet | IP address of the node that generated this route |
origin_port | int2 | External TCP connection port of the source node that generated this route |
channel_id | integer | Route sequential number within the node that generated this route |
is_reply | bool | Index of the connect from which a message was received that caused generation of this route |
pending_queue_bytes | bigint | Pending queue size, in bytes |
pending_queue_messages | bigint | Number of pending queue messages |
backend_id | integer | ID of the local process that is currently using this route: either the ID of the backend that generated this route or the ID of the silkworm worker assigned to this route. Equals -1 for queued incoming routes that have not been assigned a worker yet. |
backend_pid | integer | Returns the process ID of the server process attached to the current session |
attached | boolean | Value is true if backend is attached to multiplexer, false otherwis |
backend_rd_active | boolean | true if the backend/worker is ready to receive data to the incoming queue. See Notes for details. |
backend_wr_active | boolean | true if the backend/worker filled the queue of non-sent messages and is waiting for it to get free. See Notes for details. |
is_worker | boolean | true if this process is a silkworm multiplexer worker and false otherwise |
backend_blocked_by_cn | integer | Index of the connect that blocks this backend/worker |
blocks_connects | integer[] | List of indexes of connects that are blocked by this backend/worker |
in_queue_used | bigint | Number of queued data bytes in the incoming queue in the shared memory between the backend and multiplexer |
out_queue_used | bigint | Number of queued data bytes in the outgoing queue in the shared memory between the backend and multiplexer |
connect_id | integer | Unique connect index |
reg_ip | inet | “Registration” IP address of the node with which the connection is established |
reg_port | int2 | “Registration” TCP port of the node with which the connection is established |
connect_rd_active | boolean | true if the multiplexer is ready to receive data to the incoming queue |
connect_wr_active | boolean | true if the multiplexer filled the queue of non-sent messages and is waiting for it to get free |
connect_is_outgoing | boolean | true if the connection is outgoing, that is, created by connect , and false for incoming connects, that is, created by accept . Only used during the handshaking. |
connect_state | text | Current state of the connect: connected — if the connection is established, in progress — if the client has already connected, but handshaking has not happened yet, free — if the client has already disconnected, but the connect structure for the disconnected client has not been destroyed yet |
connect_outgoing_queue_bytes | bigint | Size of the queue of non-sent messages for this connect, in bytes |
connect_outgoing_queue_messages | bigint | Number of messages in the queue of non-sent messages for this connect |
connect_blocked_by_bk | integer | ID of the backend that blocked this connect |
blocks_backends | integer[] | List of IDs of backends that are blocked by this connect |
connect_elapsed_time_write | bigint | Time from the last writing event of a connect |
connect_elapsed_time_read | bigint | Time from the last reading event of a connect |
backend_elapsed_time_write | bigint | Time from the last writing event of a backend |
backend_elapsed_time_read | bigint | Time from the last reading event of a backend | shardman.silk_pending_jobs
The shardman.silk_pending_jobs
view displays the current list of routes in the queue of delayed multiplexer jobs, that is, jobs that are not assigned to workers yet. The columns of the view are shown in Table 6.12.
Table 6.12. shardman.silk_pending_jobs
Name | Type | Description |
hashvalue | integer | Internal unique route identifier |
origin_ip | inet | IP address of the node that generated this route |
origin_port | int2 | TCP connection port of the node that generated this route |
channel_id | integer | Route sequential number within the node that generated this route |
query | text | The first queued message |
pending_queue_bytes | bigint | Pending queue size, in bytes |
pending_queue_messages | bigint | Number of pending queue messages | shardman.silk_statinfo
The shardman.silk_statinfo
view displays the current multiplexer state information. The columns of the view are shown in Table 6.13.
Table 6.13. shardman.silk_statinfo
Name | Type | Description |
pid | integer | silkroad process ID |
started_at | timestamp with time zone | Time when the silkroad backend was started. |
transferred_bytes | json | JSON object of key value pairs, where the key is the name of the message type, and the value is total number of bytes sent for the message types with at least one message sent |
transferred_pkts | json | JSON object of key value pairs, where the key is the name of the message type, and the value is the total number of sent messages for the message types with at least one message sent |
transferred_max | json | JSON object of key value pairs, where the key is the name of the message type, and the value is the maximum size of a message for the message types with at least one message sent |
memcxt_dpg_allocated | bigint | The mem_allocated value of the process in DPGMemoryContext |
memcxt_top_allocated | bigint | The mem_allocated value of the process in TopMemoryContext |
read_efd_max | bigint | Maximum reading time of the eventfd since reset |
write_efd_max | bigint | Maximum writing time of the eventfd since reset |
read_efd_total | bigint | Total reading time of the eventfd since reset |
write_efd_total | bigint | Total writing time of the eventfd since reset |
read_efd_count | bigint | Total number of reading events of the eventfd since reset |
write_efd_count | bigint | Total number of writing events of the eventfd since reset |
sort_time_max | bigint | Maximum time of sorting operations with the silk_flow_control enabled (any value other than none ) |
sort_time_total | bigint | Total time of sorting operations with the silk_flow_control enabled (any value other than none ) |
sort_time_count | bigint | Total number of the sorting operations with the silk_flow_control enabled (any value other than none ) |
Note that read_efd_max
, write_efd_max
, read_efd_total
, write_efd_total
, read_efd_count
, write_efd_count
, sort_time_max
, sort_time_total
, and sort_time_count
are only calculated if the shardman.silk_track_time configuration parameter is enabled. shardman.silk_state
The shardman.silk_state
view displays the current silkroad
process state. The columns of the view are shown in Table 6.14.
Table 6.14. shardman.silk_state
Name | Type | Description |
state | text | State of the silkroad process | Notes #
and reg_port
values are not actual network addresses, but the addresses by which the multiplexer accesses the node. They are determined during a handshake between multiplexer nodes and are equal to the corresponding parameters of an appropriate server in the pg_foreign_server
All the read_ev_active
values are true
and all the write_ev_active
values are false
when the multiplexer is in the idle
6.4.3. Global Views #
Shardman has a list of global views based on the PostgeSQL local views. The definition of global view columns is the same as in its corresponding local view. Fetching from a global view returns a union of rows from the corresponding local views. The rows are fetched from each of their cluster nodes. Another difference is that the global views have an added column rgid
. The rgid
value shows the replication group ID of the cluster node from which a row is fetched. Global Views for Statistics #
Below is the list of the statistics-related global views with links to their corresponding local views:
Table 6.15. Statistics-related global and local views
Global view | Local view | Description |
shardman.gv_stats | pg_stats | One row per planner statistics. |
shardman.gv_stats_ext | pg_stats_ext | Provides access to information about each extended statistics object in the database. |
shardman.gv_stats_ext_exprs | pg_stats_ext_exprs | Provides access to information about all expressions included in extended statistics objects. |
shardman.gv_stat_activity | pg_stat_activity | One row per server process, showing information related to he current activity of that process. |
shardman.gv_stat_replication | pg_stat_replication | One row per WAL sender process, showing statistics about replication to that sender's connected standby server. |
shardman.gv_stat_replication_slots | pg_stat_replication_slots | One row per replication slot, showing statistics about the replication slot's usage. |
shardman.gv_stat_subscription | pg_stat_subscription | One row per subscription for main worker (with null PID if the worker is not running), and additional rows for workers handling the initial data copy of the subscribed tables. |
shardman.gv_stat_ssl | pg_stat_ssl | One row per backend or WAL sender process, showing statistics about SSL usage on this connection. |
shardman.gv_stat_gssapi | pg_stat_gssapi | One row per backend, showing information about GSSAPI usage on this connection. |
shardman.gv_stat_archiver | pg_stat_archiver | One row only, showing statistics about the WAL archiver process's activity. |
shardman.gv_stat_bgwriter | pg_stat_bgwriter | One row only, showing statistics about the background writer process's activity. |
shardman.gv_stat_progress_analyze | pg_stat_progress_analyze | One row for each backend (including autovacuum worker processes) running ANALYZE, showing current progress. |
shardman.gv_stat_progress_basebackup | pg_stat_progress_basebackup | One row for each WAL sender process streaming a base backup, showing current progress. |
shardman.gv_stat_progress_cluster | pg_stat_progress_cluster | One row for each backend running CLUSTER or VACUUM FULL , showing current progress. |
shardman.gv_stat_checkpointer | pg_stat_checkpointer | One row only, containing data about the checkpointer process of the cluster. |
shardman.gv_statistic_ext | pg_statistic_ext | Extended planner statistics (definition) |
shardman.gv_stat_progress_create_index | pg_stat_progress_create_index | One row for each backend running CREATE INDEX or REINDEX , showing current progress. |
shardman.gv_stat_progress_vacuum | pg_stat_progress_vacuum | One row for each backend (including autovacuum worker processes) that is currently vacuuming |
shardman.gv_stat_progress_copy | pg_stat_progress_copy | One row for each backend running COPY, showing current progress. |
shardman.gv_stat_wal | pg_stat_wal | One row only, showing statistics about WAL activity. |
shardman.gv_stat_database | pg_stat_database | One row per database, showing database-wide statistics about query cancels due to conflict with recovery on standby servers. |
shardman.gv_stat_database_conflicts | pg_stat_database_conflicts | One row per database, showing database-wide statistics about query cancels occurring due to conflicts with recovery on standby servers. This view will only contain information on standby servers, since conflicts do not occur on primary servers. |
shardman.gv_stat_all_tables | pg_stat_all_tables | One row for each table in the current database, showing statistics about accesses to that specific table. |
shardman.gv_stat_sys_tables | pg_stat_sys_tables | Same as pg_stat_all_tables , except that only system tables are shown. |
shardman.gv_stat_user_tables | pg_stat_user_tables | Same as pg_stat_all_tables , except that only user tables are shown. |
shardman.gv_stat_all_indexes | pg_stat_all_indexes | One row for each index in the current database, showing statistics about accesses to that specific index. |
shardman.gv_stat_user_indexes | pg_stat_user_indexes | Same as pg_stat_all_indexes , except that only indexes on user tables are shown. |
shardman.gv_stat_sys_indexes | pg_stat_sys_indexes | Same as pg_stat_all_indexes , except that only indexes on system tables are shown. |
shardman.gv_stat_user_indexes | pg_stat_user_indexes | Same as pg_stat_all_indexes , except that only indexes on user tables are shown. |
shardman.gv_statio_user_indexes | pg_statio_user_indexes | Same as pg_statio_all_indexes , except that only indexes on user tables are shown. |
shardman.gv_statio_all_tables | pg_statio_all_tables | One row for each table in the current database, showing statistics about I/O on that specific table. |
shardman.gv_statio_all_indexes | pg_statio_all_indexes | One row for each index in the current database, showing statistics about I/O on that specific index. |
shardman.gv_statio_sys_indexes | pg_statio_sys_indexes | Same as pg_statio_all_indexes , except that only indexes on system tables are shown. |
shardman.gv_statio_all_sequences | pg_statio_all_sequences | One row for each sequence in the current database, showing statistics about I/O on that specific sequence. |
shardman.gv_statio_user_sequences | pg_statio_user_sequences | Same as pg_statio_all_sequences , except that only user sequences are shown. |
shardman.gv_statio_sys_sequences | pg_statio_sys_sequences | Same as pg_statio_all_sequences , except that only system sequences are shown. |
shardman.gv_statio_sys_tables | pg_statio_sys_tables | Same as pg_statio_all_tables , except that only system tables are shown. |
shardman.gv_statio_user_tables | pg_statio_user_tables | Same as pg_statio_all_tables , except that only user tables are shown. |
shardman.gv_stat_user_functions | pg_stat_user_functions | One row for each tracked function, showing statistics about executions of that function. |
shardman.gv_stat_slru | pg_stat_slru | One row per SLRU, showing statistics of operations. |
shardman.gv_stat_csn | shardman.pg_stat_csn | One row showing statistics on delays that take place during import of CSN snapshots. |
shardman.gv_stat_monitor | shardman.pg_stat_monitor | One row showing metrics of the Shardman monitor. |
shardman.gv_stat_netusage | shardman.pg_stat_net_usage | One row showing the cumulative network traffic between Shardman cluster nodes. |
shardman.gv_stat_xact_time | shardman.pg_stat_xact_time | One row showing statistics for the time spent on a transaction. |
shardman.gv_silk_routes | shardman.silk_routes | One row showing the current snapshot of the multiplexer routing table. |
shardman.gv_silk_connects | shardman.silk_connects | One row showing the current list of multiplexer connects. |
shardman.gv_silk_backends | shardman.silk_backends | One row showing the current list of processes of two kinds: backends that serve client connections and silkworm multiplexer workers, which interact with the multiplexer. |
shardman.gv_silk_pending_jobs | shardman.silk_pending_jobs | One row showing the current list of routes in the queue of multiplexer jobs that are not assigned to workers yet. |
shardman.gv_silk_routing | shardman.silk_routing | One row showing the results of the shardman.silk_routing function. |
shardman.gv_stats_sdm_statements | pgpro_stats_sdm_statements | This view allows accessing the aggregated statistics for the distributed queries. This view can only be created if Shardman is installed for the database that has pgpro_stats. The pgpro_stats must be created on all the cluster nodes for the global view to work. |
shardman.gv_lock_graph | shardman.lock_graph | One row showing a graph of locks between processes on Shardman cluster nodes including external locks. This view is based on the pg_locks and pg_prepared_xacts system views and on the pg_stat_activity view of the Statistics Collector. |
shardman.gv_stat_foreign_bytes | shardman.pg_stat_foreign_stat_bytes | One row showing the amount of statistics for foreign relations transferred over the network between Shardman cluster nodes. |
shardman.gv_stat_wal_receiver | pg_stat_wal_receiver | One row, showing statistics about the WAL receiver from that receiver's connected server. |
shardman.gv_stat_xact_all_tables | pg_stat_xact_all_tables | Similar to pg_stat_all_tables , but counts actions taken so far within the current transaction (which are not yet included in pg_stat_all_tables and related views). The columns for numbers of live and dead rows and vacuum and analyze actions are not present in this view. |
shardman.gv_stat_xact_sys_tables | pg_stat_xact_sys_tables | Same as pg_stat_xact_all_tables , except that only system tables are shown. |
shardman.gv_stat_xact_user_functions | pg_stat_xact_user_functions | Similar to pg_stat_user_functions , but counts only calls during the current transaction (which are not yet included in pg_stat_user_functions ). |
shardman.gv_stat_xact_user_tables | pg_stat_xact_user_tables | Same as pg_stat_xact_all_tables , except that only user tables are shown. | Global Views for System Calalog #
Below is the list of the global views that relate to the system catalog, and links to their corresponding local views:
Table 6.16. Global and local views for system catalog
Global view | Local view | Description |
shardman.gv_aggregate | pg_aggregate | Stores information about aggregate functions |
shardman.gv_am | pg_am | Relation access methods |
shardman.gv_amop | pg_amop | Access method operators |
shardman.gv_amproc | pg_amproc | Access method support functions |
shardman.gv_attrdef | pg_attrdef | Column default values |
shardman.gv_attribute | pg_attribute | Table columns (“attributes”) |
shardman.gv_auth_members | pg_auth_members | Authorization identifier membership relationships |
shardman.gv_available_extension_versions | pg_available_extension_versions | Specific extension versions that are available for installation |
shardman.gv_available_extensions | pg_available_extensions | Extensions that are available for installation |
shardman.gv_cast | pg_cast | Casts (data type conversions) |
shardman.gv_class | pg_class | Tables, indexes, sequences, views (“relations”) |
shardman.gv_collation | pg_collation | Collations (locale information) |
shardman.gv_config | pg_config | Compile-time configuration parameters of the currently installed version of Postgres Pro |
shardman.gv_constraint | pg_constraint | Check constraints, unique constraints, primary key constraints, foreign key constraints |
shardman.gv_conversion | pg_conversion | Encoding conversion information |
shardman.gv_database | pg_database | Databases within this database cluster |
shardman.gv_db_role_setting | pg_db_role_setting | Per-role and per-database settings |
shardman.gv_efault_acl | pg_default_acl | Default privileges for object types |
shardman.gv_depend | pg_depend | Dependencies between database objects |
shardman.gv_description | pg_description | Descriptions or comments on database objects |
shardman.gv_enum | pg_enum | Enum label and value definitions |
shardman.gv_event_trigger | pg_event_trigger | Event triggers |
shardman.gv_extension | pg_extension | Installed extensions |
shardman.gv_file_setting | pg_file_settings | Installed extensions |
shardman.gv_foreign_data_wrapper | pg_foreign_data_wrapper | Foreign-data wrapper definitions |
shardman.gv_foreign_server | pg_foreign_server | Foreign server definitions |
shardman.gv_foreign_table | pg_foreign_table | Additional foreign table information |
shardman.gv_group | pg_group | Exists for backwards compatibility: it emulates a catalog that existed in Postgres Pro before version 8.1 |
shardman.gv_hba_file_rules | pg_hba_file_rules | Summary of the contents of the client authentication configuration file |
shardman.gv_index | pg_index | Additional index information |
shardman.gv_indexes | pg_indexes | Provides access to useful information about each index in the database |
shardman.gv_inherits | pg_inherits | Table inheritance hierarchy |
shardman.gv_init_privs | pg_init_privs | Object initial privileges |
shardman.gv_language | pg_language | Languages for writing functions |
shardman.gv_largeobject | pg_largeobject | Data pages for large objects |
shardman.gv_largeobject_metadata | pg_largeobject_metadata | Metadata associated with large objects |
shardman.gv_matviews | pg_matviews | Provides access to useful information about each materialized view in the database |
shardman.gv_namespace | pg_namespace | Schemas |
shardman.gv_opclass | pg_opclass | Access method operator classes |
shardman.gv_operator | pg_operator | Operators |
shardman.gv_opfamily | pg_opfamily | Access method operator families |
shardman.gv_partitioned_table | pg_partitioned_table | Information about partition key of tables |
shardman.gv_proc | pg_proc | Functions and procedures |
shardman.gv_profile | pg_profile | Profiles, a set of authentication restrictions |
shardman.gv_publication | pg_publication | Publications for logical replication |
shardman.gv_publication_rel | pg_publication_rel | Relation to publication mapping |
shardman.gv_publication_tables | pg_publication_tables | Information about the mapping between publications and information of tables they contain |
shardman.gv_range | pg_range | Information about range types |
shardman.gv_replication_origin | pg_replication_origin | Registered replication origins |
shardman.gv_replication_origin_status | pg_replication_origin_status | Information about how far replay for a certain origin has progressed |
shardman.gv_replication_slots | pg_replication_slots | Provides a listing of all replication slots that currently exist on the database cluster, along with their current state |
shardman.gv_rewrite | pg_rewrite | Query rewrite rules |
shardman.gv_rules | pg_rules | Provides access to useful information about query rewrite rules |
shardman.gv_seclabel | pg_seclabel | Security labels on database objects |
shardman.gv_seclabels | pg_seclabels | Provides information about security labels |
shardman.gv_sequence | pg_sequence | Information about sequences |
shardman.gv_sequences | pg_sequences | Provides access to useful information about each sequence in the database |
shardman.gv_settings | pg_settings | Provides access to run-time parameters of the server |
shardman.gv_shdepend | pg_shdepend | Dependencies on shared objects |
shardman.gv_shdescription | pg_shdescription | Comments on shared objects |
shardman.gv_shseclabel | pg_shseclabel | Security labels on shared database objects |
shardman.gv_subscription | pg_subscription | Logical replication subscriptions |
shardman.gv_subscription_rel | pg_subscription_rel | Relation state for subscriptions |
shardman.gv_tablespace | pg_tablespace | Tablespaces within this database cluster |
shardman.gv_tables | pg_tables | Provides access to useful information about each table in the database |
shardman.gv_prepared_xacts | pg_prepared_xacts | Provides information about transactions that are currently prepared for two-phase commit |
shardman.gv_timezone_names | pg_timezone_names | List of time zone names that are recognized by SET TIMEZONE , along with their associated abbreviations, UTC offsets, and daylight-savings status |
shardman.gv_timezone_abbrevs | pg_timezone_abbrevs | List of time zone abbreviations that are currently recognized by the datetime input routines |
shardman.gv_transform | pg_transform | Transforms (data type to procedural language conversions) |
shardman.gv_trigger | pg_trigger | Triggers |
shardman.gv_ts_config | pg_ts_config | Text search configurations |
shardman.gv_ts_config_map | pg_ts_config_map | Text search configurations' token mappings |
shardman.gv_ts_dict | pg_ts_dict | Text search dictionaries |
shardman.gv_ts_parser | pg_ts_parser | Text search parsers |
shardman.gv_ts_template | pg_ts_template | Text search templates |
shardman.gv_type | pg_type | Data types |
shardman.gv_user_mapping | pg_user_mapping | Mappings of users to foreign servers |
shardman.gv_user_mappings | pg_user_mappings | Provides access to information about user mappings |
shardman.gv_views | pg_views | Provides access to useful information about each view in the database |
shardman.gv_locks | pg_locks | Provides access to information about the locks held by active processes within the database server. |
shardman.gv_shmem_allocations | pg_shmem_allocations | Shows allocations made from the server's main shared memory segment. |