E.22. Postgres Pro Enterprise 12.5.1

Release date: 2020-12-01

E.22.1. Overview

This release is based on PostgreSQL 12.5 and Postgres Pro Enterprise 12.4.2. All changes inherited from PostgreSQL 12.5 are listed in PostgreSQL 12.5 Release Notes. As compared with Postgres Pro Enterprise 12.4.2, this version also provides the following changes:

  • Added support for OSnova 2.0. This is the first release to support this OS family.

  • Ended support for CentOS 6.

  • Fixed a bug in the pg_variables module. Now you can create a variable in a transaction after removal of a variable with the same name.

  • Upgraded mamonsu to version 2.6.2.

  • Upgraded pgbouncer to version 1.15.

  • Improved the precision of pgbench when the --default-isolation-level option is used. The default isolation level is now set in the environment variable PGOPTIONS so that TPS values are computed consistently, with or without the --connect option.

  • Fixed CFS to dramatically speed up pg_basebackup for a database that contains a lot of small tables. Previously, nearly 1 MB of zeroes was produced for each relation to be copied.

  • Fixed a bug that permitted duplication of rows in a table with a unique index. Only tables with more than one unique index were prone to this issue. The duplicates could appear if insertions were done under a heavy concurrent load and concurrently with DDL operations on the table that triggered invalidation of the relation cache.

  • Fixed a bug in the function for estimating the selectivity by index when evaluating a condition. Previously, the server could crash while executing this function if the type cache invalidation occurred at an unsuitable moment.

  • Fixed a bug that caused REINDEX CONCURRENTLY to leave incorrect indexes linked to orphaned types, which later resulted in "cache lookup failed for type xxx" errors during VACUUM ANALYZE. If you used a concurrent reindex before and encounter these errors, to fix them, you can dump/restore the data, recreate the indexes, or contact our support team.

  • Updated pgpro_scheduler:

    • Now pgpro_scheduler waits in the suspended state on a standby server to be started when the standby is promoted to a master server. Previously it didn't work on a standby server either and besides generated a lot of error messages.

    • Enhanced the scheduling scale used by pgpro_scheduler — jobs can now be scheduled to a precision of seconds. Also some predefined keywords can now be used instead of crontab strings.

  • Updated multimaster:

    • Increased the maximum length of a transaction identifier that is specified in PREPARE TRANSACTION. Now the identifier can be up to 200 bytes long, while previously it was limited to 31 bytes.

    • Fixed a bug that could lead to the mtm-logrep-receiver process crash in case of failure when starting a dynamic worker. This failure could occur if the max_worker_processes parameter was not increased appropriately.

E.22.2. Migration to Version 12.5.1

If you are upgrading from a Postgres Pro Enterprise release based on the same PostgreSQL major version, it is enough to install the new version into your current installation directory.

To migrate from PostgreSQL, as well as Postgres Pro Standard or Postgres Pro Enterprise based on a previous PostgreSQL major version, see the migration instructions for version 12.