E.19. Postgres Pro Enterprise 10.11.1

Release date: 2019-12-09

E.19.1. Overview

This release is based on PostgreSQL 10.11 and Postgres Pro Enterprise 10.10.2. All changes inherited from PostgreSQL 10.11 are listed in PostgreSQL 10.11 Release Notes. Other major changes and enhancements are as follows:

  • Added support for ALT Linux 9.

  • Modified the implementation of ICU default collations to ensure that the server can be started after the ICU library has been upgraded. For details, see the migration instructions below.

  • Fixed handling of NULL distance values when using k-NN search with SP-GiST.

  • Fixed handling of temporary tables by autonomous transactions.

  • Reduced memory consumption when using ICU collations.

  • Reduced planner's memory consumption and sped up EXPLAIN ANALYZE for queries with multiple JOIN clauses.

  • Ensured that pg_visibility is compatible with 64-bit transaction IDs.

  • Forbade access to tables that belong to partition hierarchies in which both pg_pathman and standard PostgreSQL inheritance have been used for partitioning. Mixing different partitioning mechanisms in a single table hierarchy is unsupported and should have never been attempted. Previously, you could get duplicated query results from such table hierarchies.

  • Updated the mamonsu module to version 2.4.1. You can now convert all system and Postgres Pro metrics definitions provided by mamonsu to the format supported by the native Zabbix agent.

  • Updated pgpro_scheduler:

    • Added the schedule.auto_enabled configuration parameter that specifies whether to enable pgpro_scheduler at the server start. By default, pgpro_scheduler is not automatically restarted if you reload the server.

    • Added the schedule.is_enabled() function that allows to check whether pgpro_scheduler is currently running. The schedule.enabled configuration parameter that could previously serve this purpose is now deprecated.

    • Changing pgpro_scheduler parameters on the fly does not cause server failures anymore.

    • pgpro_scheduler stability has been improved for several other corner cases.

  • Upgraded pgbouncer to version 1.11.0.

  • Upgraded pg_probackup to version 2.2.5.

E.19.2. Migration to Version 10.11.1

If you are upgrading from a Postgres Pro Enterprise release based on the same PostgreSQL major version, it is enough to install the new version into your current installation directory.

Starting from Postgres Pro Enterprise 10.11.1, the ICU library upgrade does not interfere with the server start. Before connecting to a database using ICU as the default collation, Postgres Pro compares this collation version to the one provided by the ICU library and displays a warning if the collation versions do not match; you may need to rebuild the objects that depend on the default collation if you think the collation change may affect the sort order of your data. To suppress these warnings, you can use the ALTER COLLATION "default" REFRESH VERSION command, as explained in ALTER COLLATION.

When upgrading from versions 10.6.2 or lower, you must run the REINDEX command to rebuild GIN, GiST, and SP-GiST indexes to fix replication issues that could be observed in these versions. You should also retake all backups for these versions if your database had such indexes.

When upgrading from versions 10.3.3 or lower, you have to rebuild GiST indexes built over columns of the intarray type, as well as indexes that use mchar or mvarchar types.

To migrate from PostgreSQL, as well as Postgres Pro Standard or Postgres Pro Enterprise based on a previous PostgreSQL major version, see the migration instructions for version 10. If you are opting for a dump/restore, make sure to use the --add-collprovider option to correctly choose the provider for the default collation of the migrated database.