Mailing lists [pgsql-sql]
- exporting Excel tables into PostgreSQL database with Python Jürgen Kemeter
- lo function changed in PostgreSQL 8.1.1 Premsun Choltanwanich
- Re: lo function changed in PostgreSQL 8.1.1 Tom Lane
- DB design and foreign keys Gianluca Riccardi
- Re: DB design and foreign keys John McCawley
- Re: DB design and foreign keys Tom Lane
- Re: DB design and foreign keys Jaime Casanova
- Re: DB design and foreign keys Richard Huxton
- Re: DB design and foreign keys Scott Marlowe
- Re: exporting Excel tables into PostgreSQL database with Python Christian Kratzer
- # of 5 minute intervals in period of time ... Marc G. Fournier
- Multi-row update w. plpgsql function Daniel Hertz
- Re: Multi-row update w. plpgsql function Owen Jacobson
- Re: Multi-row update w. plpgsql function Aaron Koning