Mailing lists [pgsql-odbc]
- Re: Unable to update JOIN'ed recordset with PSQLODBC 08.02.0400 and ADO Dmitry Samokhin
- psqlODBC 08.02.0500 Released Hiroshi Inoue
- Re: Unable to update JOIN'ed recordset with PSQLODBC 08.02.0400 and ADO Hiroshi Saito
- Re: problems accessing utf8 encoded databases Mija Lee
- Out of memory error Relyea, Mike
- Filtering ODBC table list Stephen Frost
- Re: Filtering ODBC table list Obe, Regina
- Re: Unable to update JOIN'ed recordset with PSQLODBC 08.02.0400 and ADO
- Re: Out of memory error Relyea, Mike
- Re: Filtering ODBC table list Mark Cave-Ayland
- pgodbc + Excel + msquery + background refresh Ow Mun Heng
- Re: pgodbc + Excel + msquery + background refresh Ow Mun Heng
- [ psqlodbc-Bugs-1009413 ] 08.02.0500 SELECT * returns double with for CHAR columns
- [ psqlodbc-Bugs-1009413 ] 08.02.0500 SELECT * returns double with for CHAR columns
- Trying to use Paradox memo field.
- Re: Trying to use Paradox memo field. Raymond O'Donnell
- - Feature Request - ilike transformation Richard Broersma Jr
- DSN settings Mija Lee
- Failed PW retries Stephen Frost
- Different behaviour 8.02.402/500, i.e. slower? Johann Zuschlag
- Re: Different behaviour 8.02.402/500, i.e. slower? Hiroshi Inoue
- [ psqlodbc-Bugs-1009575 ] MS QUERY fails for multi table query
- [ psqlodbc-Bugs-1009575 ] MS QUERY fails for multi table query
- [ psqlodbc-Bugs-1009575 ] MS QUERY fails for multi table query
- [ psqlodbc-Bugs-1009575 ] MS QUERY fails for multi table query
- Do we read the same books? Dong Calmada