Mailing lists [pgsql-odbc]
- Re: Receiving multiples of Postings Michelle Konzack
- Odbcapi30.c - 64 bit compiler warning cleanup Dave Page
- Re: some question about SavePoint ? Ludek Finstrle
- Re: Odbcapi30.c - 64 bit compiler warning cleanup Ludek Finstrle
- Re: Odbcapi30.c - 64 bit compiler warning cleanup Dave Page
- BEGIN and autocommit(false) (was: some question about SavePoint ?) Marc Herbert
- Re: BEGIN and autocommit(false) (was: some question about SavePoint ?) Ludek Finstrle
- How to detect float format by passing SQL_CHAR to float column ?
- Re: How to detect float format by passing SQL_CHAR to float column ? Tom Lane
- Re: Parameters.Refresh error. Shachar Shemesh
- Thread safe Harris, Richard
- longchar data type?? Ben Davis
- Re: longchar data type?? Tom Lane
- Re: some question about SavePoint ? zhaoxin