Mailing lists [pgsql-interfaces]
- PGaccess Cannot connect to DB Artur Kuliński
- JDBC/Netscape/PostgreSQL Problem Allan Huffman
- Problems with PostgreSQL ODBC-Driver Robert Esser
- Problems in ODBC driver richard clark
- solved: driver not found error Floyd Shackelford
- Re: [INTERFACES] JDBC/Netscape/PostgreSQL Problem Ralf Lehmann
- exception running example.basic Floyd Shackelford
- SUBSCRIBE richard clark
- JDBC: getUpdateCount always at least one? Jim Wise
- subscribe richard clark
- the other postgres driver Wojciech Wielogorski
- Access97 -> ODBC -> Postgres Problems Weston Bustraan
- CVSup Quick start. Dave Del Signore
- Visual Basic/Data Environment Designer/PgODBC Herbert Rabago Ambos