Mailing lists [pgsql-hackers]
- Re: Disallow UPDATE/DELETE on table with unpublished generated column as REPLICA IDENTITY Peter Smith
- Re: Proposal to add a new URL data type. Ziga
- Re: Assert failure on running a completed portal again Tom Lane
- Re: Proposal: Role Sandboxing for Secure Impersonation Jelte Fennema-Nio
- Re: Parallel heap vacuum Peter Smith
- Re: attndims, typndims still not enforced, but make the value within a sane threshold Bruce Momjian
- Re: attndims, typndims still not enforced, but make the value within a sane threshold Tom Lane
- Re: 64 bit numbers vs format strings Melanie Plageman
- Re: 64 bit numbers vs format strings Thomas Munro
- Re: Remove dependence on integer wrapping Joseph Koshakow
- Re: Assert failure on running a completed portal again Tom Lane
- Re: MinGW compiler warnings in ecpg tests Thomas Munro
- Re: Sort functions with specialized comparators John Naylor
- Re: Introduce XID age and inactive timeout based replication slot invalidation vignesh C
- Re: Parallel heap vacuum Peter Smith
- Re: Considering fractional paths in Append node Andrei Lepikhov
- Re: confusing / inefficient "need_transcoding" handling in copy Sutou Kouhei
- Re: Use streaming read API in pgstattuple. Kirill Reshke
- RE: Memory leak in WAL sender with pgoutput (v10~) Zhijie Hou (Fujitsu)
- Re: generic plans and "initial" pruning Amit Langote
- Re: Fix tiny memory leaks Daniel Gustafsson
- Re: NOT ENFORCED constraint feature Amul Sul
- Re: Popcount optimization using SVE for ARM Kirill Reshke
- Re: postgres_fdw: Provide better emulation of READ COMMITTED behavior Andy Fan
- Re: Why we need to check for local buffers in BufferIsExclusiveLocked and BufferIsDirty? Nazir Bilal Yavuz
- Re: 64 bit numbers vs format strings Alvaro Herrera
- Re: logical replication: patch to ensure timely cleanup of aborted transactions in ReorderBuffer Ashutosh Bapat
- Re: Proposal to add a new URL data type. Alexander Borisov
- Re: Proposal to add a new URL data type. Daniel Gustafsson
- Re: Pass ParseState as down to utility functions. Alvaro Herrera
- Re: refactor AlterDomainAddConstraint (alter domain add constraint) Alvaro Herrera
- Re: Popcount optimization using SVE for ARM Nathan Bossart
- Re: meson missing test dependencies Peter Eisentraut
- Re: Proposal to add a new URL data type. Alexander Borisov
- Re: Proposal to add a new URL data type. Matthias van de Meent
- Unable to Recover a Deleted Database Using PITR Scott Taylor
- Support for unsigned integer types Jack Bay
- Re: Giving the shared catalogues a defined encoding Tom Lane