Mailing lists [pgsql-hackers]
- Re: postgres_fdw: commit remote (sub)transactions in parallel during pre-commit Julien Rouhaud
- Re: standby recovery fails (tablespace related) (tentative patch and discussion) Julien Rouhaud
- Re: using an end-of-recovery record in all cases Julien Rouhaud
- Large Pages and Super Pages for PostgreSQL DEVOPS_WwIT
- Re: MultiXact/SLRU buffers configuration Andrey Borodin
- Re: Large Pages and Super Pages for PostgreSQL Thomas Munro
- Re: XLogReadRecord() error in XlogReadTwoPhaseData() Thomas Munro
- pg_basebackup WAL streamer shutdown is bogus - leading to slow tests Andres Freund
- Re: Isn't wait_for_catchup slightly broken? Julien Rouhaud
- Re: Why is src/test/modules/committs/t/ flaky? Alexander Lakhin
- Re: pg_basebackup WAL streamer shutdown is bogus - leading to slow tests Magnus Hagander
- Re: pg_basebackup WAL streamer shutdown is bogus - leading to slow tests Tom Lane
- Re: pg_basebackup WAL streamer shutdown is bogus - leading to slow tests Magnus Hagander
- Re: pg_basebackup WAL streamer shutdown is bogus - leading to slow tests Magnus Hagander
- Re: support for MERGE Japin Li
- Re: Isn't wait_for_catchup slightly broken? Tom Lane
- Re: Avoiding smgrimmedsync() during nbtree index builds Justin Pryzby
- Re: XLogReadRecord() error in XlogReadTwoPhaseData() Noah Misch
- Re: fix crash with Python 3.11 Tom Lane
- Re: pg_basebackup WAL streamer shutdown is bogus - leading to slow tests Andres Freund
- Re: pg_basebackup WAL streamer shutdown is bogus - leading to slow tests Andres Freund
- Re: extended stats on partitioned tables Tomas Vondra