Mailing lists [pgsql-hackers]
- Re: why partition pruning doesn't work? Tom Lane
- Re: [HACKERS] WIP Patch: Pgbench Serialization and deadlock errors Marina Polyakova
- Re: [HACKERS] WIP Patch: Pgbench Serialization and deadlock errors Marina Polyakova
- Re: Add Peter Geoghegan
- Re: [PATCH] Trim trailing whitespace in vim and emacs Andrew Dunstan
- Re: POC: GROUP BY optimization Tomas Vondra
- Re: Postgres 11 release notes Justin Pryzby
- Re: adding tab completions Justin Pryzby
- PostgreSQL vs SQL Standard Andrew Gierth
- Re: Loaded footgun open_datasync on Windows Amit Kapila
- Re: PostgreSQL vs SQL Standard Tom Lane
- Re: Explain buffers wrong counter with parallel plans Amit Kapila
- Re: [HACKERS] WIP Patch: Pgbench Serialization and deadlock errors Fabien COELHO
- Re: PostgreSQL vs SQL Standard Andrew Gierth
- Re: PostgreSQL vs SQL Standard Andrew Gierth
- Re: PostgreSQL vs SQL Standard Andrew Gierth
- Re: why partition pruning doesn't work? David Rowley
- Re: Internal error XX000 with enable_partition_pruning=on, pg 11beta1 on Debian David Rowley
- Re: pg_replication_slot_advance to return NULL instead of 0/0 ifslot not advanced Michael Paquier
- CF bug fix items Andrew Dunstan
- Re: PostgreSQL vs SQL Standard Tom Lane
- Re: PostgreSQL vs SQL Standard Tom Lane
- Re: assert in nested SQL procedure call in current HEAD Dmitry Dolgov
- Re: PostgreSQL vs SQL Standard David Fetter
- JIT versus standalone-headers checks Tom Lane