Mailing lists [pgsql-general]
- Re: [GENERAL] Lifetime of PQexecPrepared() returned value Tom Lane
- [GENERAL] Type cast in PHP PDO (does not work like in Java?) Alexander Farber
- Re: [GENERAL] Type cast in PHP PDO (does not work like in Java?) Raymond O'Donnell
- Re: [GENERAL] Lifetime of PQexecPrepared() returned value Igor Korot
- Re: [GENERAL] Invalid byte sequence for encoding UTF-8 0xc3\n Igor Korot
- Re: [GENERAL] Lifetime of PQexecPrepared() returned value Tom Lane
- [GENERAL] PostgreSQL with PowerBuilder, and Identity keys (serials) Dan Cooperstock at Software4Nonprofits
- Re: [GENERAL] PostgreSQL with PowerBuilder, and Identity keys (serials) Melvin Davidson