Mailing lists [pgsql-general]
- Re: Recursion in plpgsql Fran Fabrizio
- Re: Escaping in C-language functions Jan Wieck
- PostgreSQL success stories Fran Fabrizio
- NOT IN queries Nic Ferrier
- Re: NOT IN queries Doug McNaught
- PostgreSQL and explain Johnson, Shaunn
- Re: NOT IN queries Tom Lane
- Re: NOT IN queries Stephan Szabo
- Re: PostgreSQL and explain Tom Lane
- substring indices / array operators Steve Atkins
- sorting goofiness Hal Roberts
- err: backend closed the channel unexpectedly Ricardo Vaz Mannrich
- Re: err: backend closed the channel unexpectedly Stephan Szabo
- Re: sorting goofiness Stephan Szabo
- Re: NOT IN queries Nic Ferrier
- Core dump on PG 7.1.3 David Esposito
- Re: Core dump on PG 7.1.3 Tom Lane
- Re: Core dump on PG 7.1.3 David Esposito
- parsing relname in pg_class Johnson, Shaunn
- Blocking object creation for some users Bruno Wolff III
- Re: parsing relname in pg_class Johnson, Shaunn
- Re: parsing relname in pg_class Andrew Sullivan
- Re: parsing relname in pg_class Neil Conway
- Re: parsing relname in pg_class Tom Lane
- tables > 2GB Marin Dimitrov
- Re: tables > 2GB Neil Conway
- %ROWTYPE as PL/pgsql argument Richard Emberson
- Re: %ROWTYPE as PL/pgsql argument Tom Lane
- Return value if table doesn't exist Paul M Foster
- Re: %ROWTYPE as PL/pgsql argument Richard Emberson
- Re: %ROWTYPE as PL/pgsql argument Richard Emberson
- Errors when running vacuumdb... Dominic J. Eidson
- sync and cache Medi Montaseri