Mailing lists [pgsql-committers]
- pgsql: doc: Improve PG14 release notes Bruce Momjian
- pgsql: Remove XLogFileInit() ability to unlink a pre-existing file. Noah Misch
- pgsql: Dump COMMENT ON SCHEMA public. Noah Misch
- pgsql: Don't ERROR on PreallocXlogFiles() race condition. Noah Misch
- pgsql: Dump public schema ownership and security labels. Noah Misch
- pgsql: Remove XLogFileInit() ability to skip ControlFileLock. Noah Misch
- pgsql: Skip WAL recycling and preallocation during archive recovery. Noah Misch
- pgsql: In XLogFileInit(), fix *use_existent postcondition to suit calle Noah Misch
- pgsql: Add support for LZ4 with compression of full-page writes in WAL Michael Paquier
- pgsql: Fix compilation warning in xloginsert.c Michael Paquier
- Re: pgsql: Add support for LZ4 with compression of full-page writes in WAL Tom Lane
- pgsql: Bump XLOG_PAGE_MAGIC for format changes related to FPW compressi Michael Paquier
- Re: pgsql: Add support for LZ4 with compression of full-page writes in WAL Michael Paquier
- pgsql: Add index OID macro argument to DECLARE_INDEX Peter Eisentraut
- pgsql: Remove literal backslash from Perl \Q ... \E. Noah Misch
- pgsql: Remove libpq's use of abort(3) to handle mutex failure cases. Tom Lane
- pgsql: Add a build-time check that libpq doesn't call exit() or abort() Tom Lane
- pgsql: Fix bogus logic for reporting which hash partition conflicts. Tom Lane
- pgsql: Fix bogus logic for reporting which hash partition conflicts. Tom Lane
- pgsql: Add PQsendFlushRequest to libpq Alvaro Herrera
- pgsql: Add PQsendFlushRequest to libpq Alvaro Herrera
- pgsql: Fix libpq state machine in pipeline mode Alvaro Herrera
- pgsql: Fix libpq state machine in pipeline mode Alvaro Herrera
- pgsql: Fixes for multirange selectivity estimation Alexander Korotkov
- pgsql: Fixes for multirange selectivity estimation Alexander Korotkov