Mailing lists [pgsql-committers]
- pgsql: Support for INCLUDE attributes in GiST indexes Alexander Korotkov
- pgsql: pg_upgrade: Ignore TOAST for partitioned tables Alvaro Herrera
- pgsql: Disallow NaN as a value for floating-point GUCs. Tom Lane
- pgsql: Disallow NaN as a value for floating-point GUCs. Tom Lane
- pgsql: Disallow NaN as a value for floating-point GUCs. Tom Lane
- pgsql: Disallow NaN as a value for floating-point GUCs. Tom Lane
- pgsql: Disallow NaN as a value for floating-point GUCs. Tom Lane
- pgsql: Disallow NaN as a value for floating-point GUCs. Tom Lane
- pgsql: Include GUC's unit, if it has one,in out-of-range error message Tom Lane
- pgsql: Revert "Increase the default vacuum_cost_limit from 200 to2000" Tom Lane
- pgsql: Reduce the default value of autovacuum_vacuum_cost_delay to2ms. Tom Lane
- pgsql: Convert [autovacuum_]vacuum_cost_delay into floating-pointGUCs. Tom Lane
- pgsql: Fix documentation on partitioning vs. foreign tables Alvaro Herrera
- pgsql: Fix documentation on partitioning vs. foreign tables Alvaro Herrera
- pgsql: Fix documentation on partitioning vs. foreign tables Alvaro Herrera