Mailing lists [pgsql-committers]
- pgsql: In pg_upgrade, copy pg_largeobject_metadata and its index for 9. Bruce Momjian
- pgsql: In pg_upgrade, copy pg_largeobject_metadata and its index for 9. Bruce Momjian
pgstatsinfo - pg_statsinfo: Add missingl include file
. (User Itagaki) - pgsql: Give superusers REPLIACTION permission by default Magnus Hagander
- pgsql: Clarify pg_upgrade's creation of the map file structure. Also c Bruce Momjian
- pgsql: In pg_upgrade, adjust transfer_relfile()'s parameters to be more Bruce Momjian
- pgsql: Fix for recent pg_upgrade commit to fix large objects relfilenod Bruce Momjian
- pgsql: Update pg_upgrade C comments. Bruce Momjian
- pgsql: Rename pg_upgrade variables, for clarity. Bruce Momjian
- pgsql: Update documentation to say that \lo_import sets :LASTOID, not Bruce Momjian
- pgsql: Update documentation to say that \lo_import sets :LASTOID, not Bruce Momjian