Mailing lists [pgsql-bugs]
- BUG #3855: backend sends corrupted data on EHOSTDOWN error Scot Loach
- BUG #3856: faile to run initdb:1!
- Re: BUG #3850: Incompatibility among pg_dump / pg_restore. Diego Spano
- BUG #3857: pg_restore -t tablename doesn't restore constraints of this table Jochen Schwarz
- Re: BUG #3855: backend sends corrupted data on EHOSTDOWN error Tom Lane
- Re: BUG #3855: backend sends corrupted data on EHOSTDOWN error Jeff Davis
- Re: BUG #3855: backend sends corrupted data on EHOSTDOWNerror Scot Loach
- Re: BUG #3855: backend sends corrupted data on EHOSTDOWNerror Jeff Davis
- Re: BUG #3855: backend sends corrupted data onEHOSTDOWNerror Scot Loach
- Re: BUG #3855: backend sends corrupted data onEHOSTDOWNerror Jeff Davis
- Re: BUG #3855: backend sends corrupted data onEHOSTDOWNerror Scot Loach
- BUG #3858: psql hangs if called as postgres is coming online Faisal N. Jawdat
- Re: BUG #3858: psql hangs if called as postgres is coming online Alvaro Herrera
- Re: BUG #3858: psql hangs if called as postgres is coming online Faisal N. Jawdat
- Re: BUG #3858: psql hangs if called as postgres is coming online Tom Lane
- Re: BUG #3858: psql hangs if called as postgres is coming online Alvaro Herrera
- Re: BUG #3858: psql hangs if called as postgres is coming online Tom Lane