Mailing lists [pgsql-bugs]
- BUG #2815: Editing / Creating ODBC on Windows fails libintl-2.dll not found mike godshall
- BUG #2816: Logfile difference in timestamp between Windows and Linux Joost Karaaijeveld
- Re: BUG #2816: Logfile difference in timestamp between Windows and Linux Tom Lane
- Re: BUG #2807: constraint violation Tom Lane
- BUG #2817: Mixing spi_prepare and spi_exec_query causes postgresql to terminate itself on bad argument types Michael Andreen
- BUG #2813: missing RPM build dependency: tcl-devel Markus Grabner
- 8.2 bug: Mixing spi_prepare and spi_exec_query causes postgresql to terminate itself on bad argument types Michael Andreen
- Re: BUG #2812: Transaction is aborted after error
- Re: BUG #2811: Error determining param type in prepared statement of unused variable Ross Cohen
- Re: BUG #2811: Error determining param type in prepared statement of unused variable Tom Lane
- Re: BUG #2817: Mixing spi_prepare and spi_exec_query causes postgresql to terminate itself on bad argument types Tom Lane