Mailing lists [pgadmin-hackers]
- [pgAdmin4][Patch]: Fixed #2532 - Left side tree: The node disappearson update if there is only one child exist for that category. Khushboo Vashi
- pgAdmin 4 commit: Update dialogue error styling to match alerts Dave Page
- Re: [pgadmin-hackers][patch] Update the error alerts style in dialog Dave Page
- pgAdmin 4 commit: Fix history view in IE11. Dave Page
- Re: [pgadmin4][patch] fix history panel on ie11 Dave Page
- pgAdmin 4 commit: Use the correct font for alerts on IE. Dave Page
- Build failed in Jenkins: pgadmin4-master-python35 #226 pgAdmin 4 Jenkins
- pgAdmin 4 commit: Fix history font on IE. Dave Page
- Jenkins build is back to normal : pgadmin4-master-python35 #227 pgAdmin 4 Jenkins
- pgAdmin 4 commit: Update Mingw build for changes in QtWebKit Dave Page
- pgagent build issue on SLES 12 Devrim Gündüz
- Re: pgagent build issue on SLES 12 Dave Page
- pgAdmin 4 commit: Refresh nodes correctly when there is a singlechild Dave Page
- Re: [pgAdmin4][Patch]: Fixed #2532 - Left side tree: The nodedisappears on update if there is only one child exist for that category. Dave Page
- Re: pgagent build issue on SLES 12 Ashesh Vashi
- [pgAdmin4][Patch] To fix "there is no disk..." warning in Windows Murtuza Zabuawala
- [pgAdmin4][Patch]: Fixed #2545 Partitioned table should be createdusing 'OF TYPE' Akshay Joshi
- pgAdmin 4 commit: Fix IE11 alert layout again. Dave Page
- Re: pgagent build issue on SLES 12 Devrim Gündüz
- Re: pgagent build issue on SLES 12 Dave Page
- Re: pgagent build issue on SLES 12 Devrim Gündüz
- pgAdmin 4 commit: Handle un-mounted drives correctly on Windows.Fixes Dave Page
- Re: [pgAdmin4][Patch] To fix "there is no disk..." warning in Windows Dave Page
- [pgAdmin4][Patch]: Fixed RM #1165 - Too many request to updatedashboard graphs when server is disconnected. Khushboo Vashi
- pgAdmin 4 commit: Handle partitioned tables created "OF TYPE". Fixes#2 Dave Page
- Re: [pgAdmin4][Patch]: Fixed #2545 Partitioned table should becreated using 'OF TYPE' Dave Page
- Re: [pgAdmin4][Patch]: Fixed RM #1165 - Too many request to updatedashboard graphs when server is disconnected. Dave Page
- Build failed in Jenkins: pgadmin4-master-python33 #229 pgAdmin 4 Jenkins
- Build failed in Jenkins: pgadmin4-master-python34 #220 pgAdmin 4 Jenkins
- Build failed in Jenkins: pgadmin4-master-python27 #234 pgAdmin 4 Jenkins
- Build failed in Jenkins: pgadmin4-master-python36 #226 pgAdmin 4 Jenkins
- Build failed in Jenkins: pgadmin4-master-python35 #230 pgAdmin 4 Jenkins
- pgAdmin 4 commit: Release notes for 1.6. Dave Page
- Build failed in Jenkins: pgadmin4-master-python26 #352 pgAdmin 4 Jenkins
- pgAdmin 4 commit: Bump version numbers prior to release. Dave Page
- Build failed in Jenkins: pgadmin4-master-python33 #230 pgAdmin 4 Jenkins
- Build failed in Jenkins: pgadmin4-master-python36 #227 pgAdmin 4 Jenkins
- Build failed in Jenkins: pgadmin4-master-python34 #221 pgAdmin 4 Jenkins
- Re: pgAdmin 4 commit: Release notes for 1.6. Harshal Dhumal
- Build failed in Jenkins: pgadmin4-master-python27 #235 pgAdmin 4 Jenkins
- pgAdmin 4 commit: Couple of typos in the release notes. Dave Page
- Build failed in Jenkins: pgadmin4-master-python35 #231 pgAdmin 4 Jenkins
- [pgAdmin4][Patch]: Fixed #2550 declarative partitioning - drop/deleteand drop cascade is not working for partition table Akshay Joshi
- Build failed in Jenkins: pgadmin4-master-python26 #353 pgAdmin 4 Jenkins
- Re: pgagent build issue on SLES 12 Devrim Gündüz
- Build failed in Jenkins: pgadmin4-master-python33 #231 pgAdmin 4 Jenkins
- Build failed in Jenkins: pgadmin4-master-python27 #236 pgAdmin 4 Jenkins
- Re: pgAdmin 4 commit: Release notes for 1.6. Dave Page
- Build failed in Jenkins: pgadmin4-master-python34 #222 pgAdmin 4 Jenkins
- Build failed in Jenkins: pgadmin4-master-python36 #228 pgAdmin 4 Jenkins
- Build failed in Jenkins: pgadmin4-master-python35 #232 pgAdmin 4 Jenkins
- Object > delete/drop and properties menu icons misaligned Surinder Kumar
- pgAdmin 4 commit: Fix drop/drop cascade for partitioned tables. Fixes# Dave Page
- pgAdmin 4 commit: Ensure the initial password is properly hashedduring Dave Page
- Jenkins build is back to normal : pgadmin4-master-python36 #229 pgAdmin 4 Jenkins
- pgAdmin 4 commit: Fix alignment of Object > delete/drop & propertiesic Dave Page
- Re: Object > delete/drop and properties menu icons misaligned Dave Page
- Jenkins build is back to normal : pgadmin4-master-python33 #232 pgAdmin 4 Jenkins
- Jenkins build is back to normal : pgadmin4-master-python34 #223 pgAdmin 4 Jenkins
- Jenkins build is back to normal : pgadmin4-master-python27 #237 pgAdmin 4 Jenkins
- Re: [pgAdmin4][Patch]: Fixed #2550 declarative partitioning -drop/delete and drop cascade is not working for partition table Dave Page
- Jenkins build is back to normal : pgadmin4-master-python35 #233 pgAdmin 4 Jenkins
- Jenkins build is back to normal : pgadmin4-master-python26 #354 pgAdmin 4 Jenkins
- [pgadmin-hackers][pgaweb][patch] Website patch to add SCSS Joao De Almeida Pereira
- Re: Windows testing required: Updated runtime Jeff Janes
- Re: Windows testing required: Updated runtime Jeff Janes
- Re: Windows testing required: Updated runtime Eric Hirst
- Re: Windows testing required: Updated runtime Eric Hirst
- Re: [pgadmin-hackers] [Design update] Style guide for pgAdmin4 Shirley Wang