On 2025-03-06 13:00:07 -0500, Corey Huinker wrote:
> >
> > I don't follow. We already have the tablenames, schemanames and oids of the
> > to-be-dumped tables/indexes collected in pg_dump, all that's needed is to
> > send
> > a list of those to the server to filter there?
> >
> Do we have something that currently does that?
Yes. Afaict there's at least:
- getPolicies()
- getIndexes()
- getConstraints()
- getTriggers(),
- getTableAttrs()
They all send an array of oids as part of the query and then join an
unnest()ed version of the array against whatever they're collecting. See
e.g. getPolicies():
"FROM unnest('%s'::pg_catalog.oid[]) AS src(tbloid)\n"
"JOIN pg_catalog.pg_policy pol ON (src.tbloid = pol.polrelid)",
Andres Freund