Aw: Operator % and its meaning and use - Mailing list pgsql-general

From Karsten Hilbert
Subject Aw: Operator % and its meaning and use
Msg-id trinity-c628f523-ba27-47c0-85d9-80f0c38be3ff-1644926695108@3c-app-gmx-bs21
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In response to Operator % and its meaning and use  (Shaozhong SHI <>)
List pgsql-general
Dear David,

> Can anyone remind me of the meaning and use of operator %.
I can gladly report that I remember having seen relevant documentation on
that operator while Reading up in The Fine Manual on json_to_row following
the hint Ion kindly provided.

It was amazing !  Reading up on that helped my understanding !

Best regards,

pgsql-general by date:

From: Shaozhong SHI
Subject: Operator % and its meaning and use
From: Laurenz Albe
Subject: Re: Operator % and its meaning and use