Re: dbt2 NOTPM numbers - Mailing list pgsql-performance

From PFC
Subject Re: dbt2 NOTPM numbers
Msg-id op.tteow6v7cigqcu@apollo13
Whole thread Raw
In response to Re: dbt2 NOTPM numbers  (Markus Schiltknecht <>)
Responses Re: dbt2 NOTPM numbers
List pgsql-performance
> I'll run a bonnie++ first. As the CPUs seem to be idle most of the time
> (see the vmstat.out below), I'm suspecting the RAID or disks.

    You have a huge amount of iowait !
    Did you put the xlog on a separate disk ?
    What filesystem do you use ?
    Did you check that your BBU cache works ?

    For that run a dumb script which does INSERTS in a test table in
autocommit mode ; if you get (7200rpm / 60) = 120 inserts / sec or less,
the good news is that your drives don't lie about fsync, the bad news is
that your BBU cache isn't working...

pgsql-performance by date:

From: Markus Schiltknecht
Subject: Re: dbt2 NOTPM numbers
From: Douglas J Hunley
Subject: Re: upgraded to pgsql 8.2.4, getting worse performance then 7.4.x