Re: Volunteer to build a configuration tool - Mailing list pgsql-performance

From PFC
Subject Re: Volunteer to build a configuration tool
Msg-id op.tt7mn0m9cigqcu@apollo13
Whole thread Raw
In response to Re: Volunteer to build a configuration tool  (Tom Lane <>)
Responses Re: Volunteer to build a configuration tool
List pgsql-performance
> To me, the worst catch-22 we face in this area is that we'd like the
> optimizer's choices of plan to be stable and understandable, but the
> real-world costs of queries depend enormously on short-term conditions
> such as how much of the table has been sucked into RAM recently by
> other queries.  I have no good answer to that one.

    Yeah, there is currently no way to tell the optimizer things like :

    - this table/portion of a table is not frequently accessed, so it won't
be in the cache, so please use low-seek plans (like bitmap index scan)
    - this table/portion of a table is used all the time so high-seek-count
plans can be used like index scan or nested loops since everything is in

    Except planner hints (argh) I see no way to give this information to the
machine... since it's mostly in the mind of the DBA. Maybe a per-table
"cache temperature" param (hot, warm, cold), but what about the log table,
the end of which is cached, but not the old records ? It's messy.

    Still PG does a pretty excellent job most of the time.

pgsql-performance by date:

From: Tom Lane
Subject: Re: Volunteer to build a configuration tool
From: PFC
Subject: Short row header