Re: New record position - Mailing list pgsql-sql

From PFC
Subject Re: New record position
Msg-id op.sogferobth1vuj@localhost
Whole thread Raw
In response to New record position  (
List pgsql-sql

> Why it? I can't undestand why the new record location was change.  
> Shouldn't it
> apper at the LAST record???
> What need I do??
> Thank you.

The SQL spec specifies that if you don't use ORDER BY, well, the records  
come out in any order they want. Actually it's the order they are on disk,  
which is more or less random as inserting new records will fill the space  
left by deleted ones, and vacuum full will compact them. If you want  
order, use ORDER BY. If you want to order them in the order they were  
inserted, order by a SERIAL PRIMARY KEY field...

pgsql-sql by date:

From: Oleg Bartunov
Subject: Re: New record position
Subject: Re: New record position