Re: BitmapHeapScan streaming read user and prelim refactoring - Mailing list pgsql-hackers

From Andres Freund
Subject Re: BitmapHeapScan streaming read user and prelim refactoring
Msg-id fy3kx3gnrruys2fxmcxhxzmdxft2ryqgrwivqoowczz3d2dljw@tab26wmjfkgi
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In response to Re: BitmapHeapScan streaming read user and prelim refactoring  (Tomas Vondra <>)
Responses Re: BitmapHeapScan streaming read user and prelim refactoring
List pgsql-hackers

On 2025-02-14 10:04:41 +0100, Jakub Wartak wrote:
> Is there any reason we couldn't have new pg_test_iorates (similiar to
> other pg_test_* proggies), that would literally do this and calibrate
> best e_io_c during initdb and put the result into
> (pg_test_iorates --adjust-auto-conf) , that way we would avoid user
> questions on how to come with optimal value?

Unfortunately I think this is a lot easier said than done:

- The optimal depth depends a lot on your IO patterns, there's a lot of things
  between fully sequential and fully random.

  You'd really need to test different IO sizes and different patterns. The
  test matrix for that gets pretty big.

- The performance characteristics of storage heavily changes over time.

  This is particularly true in cloud environments, where disk/VM combinations
  will be "burstable", allowing higher throughput for a while, but then not
  anymore.  Measureing during either of those states will not be great for the
  other state.

- e_io_c is per-query-node, but impacts the whole system. If you set
  e_io_c=1000 on a disk with a metered IOPS of say 1k/s you might get a
  slightly higher throughput for a bitmap heap scan, but also your commit
  latency in concurrent will go through the roof, because your fdatasync()
  will be behind a queue of 1k reads that all are throttled.


Andres Freund

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