Seems as though I've gotten myself into something of a pickle:
I wound up with a fkey constraint and an index on the same table having the
same name ('rs_fkey').
The result is an error message when I try to drop the table (cascade) or
even drop the constraint:
# alter table report_specification drop constraint rs_pkey;
NOTICE: constraint pr_rs on table purchase_record depends on index rs_pkey
ERROR: "rs_pkey" is an index
and then there is:
# drop index rs_pkey;
ERROR: cannot drop index rs_pkey because constraint rs_pkey on table
report_specification requires it
HINT: You may drop constraint rs_pkey on table report_specification instead.
Is there some name-spacing trick I can use to selectively drop the index or
the constraint in a way that postgres (using v8.1) will let me get away with