Re: BackgroundPsql swallowing errors on windows - Mailing list pgsql-hackers

From Andres Freund
Subject Re: BackgroundPsql swallowing errors on windows
Msg-id cmny7443tk2du5oqzuzzghrqt62xd6lvjcw7deckegw4qt7vuu@fgwib4jr7w5d
Whole thread Raw
In response to Re: BackgroundPsql swallowing errors on windows  (Daniel Gustafsson <>)
Responses Re: BackgroundPsql swallowing errors on windows
List pgsql-hackers

On 2025-02-17 09:24:24 +0900, Michael Paquier wrote:
> On Sun, Feb 16, 2025 at 07:03:39PM -0500, Andres Freund wrote:
> > Cool, will after the minor release freeze.
> Thanks, Andres.  If you'd prefer that I double-check the code and do
> it as the former committer of these two ones, please let me know.

Thanks, but I think it's ok, it looks unproblematic enough. I've pushed the
backports (but not yet the new fix), after running them through CI [1].  Let's
hope the buildfarm thinks similarly.

I'm planning to wait for a few hours and see what the BF says and then push
the fix this thread is about to all supported branches.


Andres Freund

[1] I have WIP patches for CI support for 13, 14, with some work for windows
    left to do. I plan to write an email about that at some point.

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